Thursday, September 24, 2015

Finally, I'm all finished

Throwback Thursday: Summer of 2014
Here it is folks, I have finally updated my blog! I think I like it way better than the other way it was set up... it seems more organized now. I was sad to see my links to Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook go but I figured out a away to have them in every post I make at the bottom! Be sure to check them out if you have the time (Pinterest is public and used most often)

Today is Jacobs first day back since his suspension... and I don't see it going so well. See, we noticed with us that his whole attitude and everything changed after nap time. With that being said we figured we should change his bed time. Kenny is going to talk with some of the people at school and find out when his behavior is at its worst and if it's during the second half of the day then I think we are on to something. We know sometimes he plays during nap time at school because he gets marked for it and we know (because of how he was here) when he does fall asleep he acts all moody, whiny, and different because he doesn't want to get up. We figured that maybe he just isn't getting enough sleep at night so we changed his bed time to 7 which gives him a full 11 hours of sleep. He was not happy about this... well he was fine at first but when his door was closed and he heard Elaina (who was loud on purpose I think) he didn't want to go to sleep and started throwing a fit. We went in there and explained to him why he was going to bed and that even though he didn't want to it was still going to happen and we ended up having to make him cry himself to sleep. Bad start already... let's not forget that he has this nagging cough and Delsym just doesn't cut it for him since we have to half the dose because of his age.
*Shrugs* we can only hope things get better.... if they don't then I have a feeling he's going to get kicked out of Pre-K (totally possible btw)

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