Wednesday, September 23, 2015

It's fall yall!

Family Fun Night: Monster Night

Hello fall! Hello to nice chilly mornings, hello to open windows, hello adorable pumpkin costumes for babies, and hello to Halloween!! I know we don't have the kids this year for Halloween but we have this super amazing idea for them. We are going to make them Halloween baskets! Yup, it's going to be every other year that we don't have them. It's going to be packed with their favorite candy, Halloween themed toys, and probably some Halloween themed pajamas... kinda like Easter haha. It sucks we don't have them but this year is Zack's very first Halloween!!! We still haven't decided on what we are going to do since we like to dress up too... I'm sure it will be pretty epic.

So, Jacob's good days led up to a very bad day and he got suspended... yup, a 4 year old got suspended for 2 days -_- it's a little ridiculous but understandable at the same time I guess. Kenny tried this whole thing of "lets communicate more" to try and get some feedback from his mother about what she thinks and all that.... as you can imagine nothing came from it. Let me stop before I say anything else, I'm not the type to bash and point fingers it's just all so "ugh" there are no words lol. I'm just gonna sit back, drink my coffee, support my husband, love our kids, and watch how all this will eventually work out in our favor. 

Before I go I just wanted to share my new World of Warcraft character. I'm on Thrall and the name is Ataracuar. I'm more on the casual side of WoW. I have a lvl 99 on a different server but there are so many new things going on that I'm so lost and I don't even know what half the things in my inventory are for lol. Look me up! I don't chat much at first but it would be nice to have a few people to play with and get to know :3

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