Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Grown up conversations with tiny hearts

Jackets and long sleeves totally happened Monday and Tuesday morning... which means fall is slowly approaching and I'm super excited! Halloween decorations will be going up soon and the windows will be letting the cool air flow through the house which means lower electricity bills! *squee* :3 OH super great news in the Beauchamp household!!! Jacob had two(ish) great days on the bus and at school! Woo-hoo! I say "ish" because on Tuesday he had a smiley face but it was written over and he got two marks against him... so he messed up at the end of the day however it wasn't got 'not keeping his hands and feet to himself' so it's pretty much a win lol. Today though he didn't get any negative marks!!! So happy! Elaina also got a great day today and Zack did great at his checkup! 

With all the great news you're probably a little confused about the title of this blog. Well... it's a horrible situation for the kids. I had to re-explain to Jacob today that his step dad was not his step dad anymore and that he was no longer to call him dad. He seemed genuinely upset about it and it broke my heart. It also got me to thinking how on earth are you supposed to explain that to a 4 year old and him really understand it... especially when you don't even know the whole situation to begin with. I just hate that they have to deal with all of this... I know you can't help certain things but in my opinion I think that if things weren't "rushed" in the first place then all of this mess could have been avoided. It's like people just forget that their actions have an effect on everyone around them. Eh, but who am I to judge I guess... I've made mistakes in my past and I've learned from them so fingers crossed for a better decision making in the future for others.

Oh and I know I still haven't updated everything yet... I'm kind of debating between like 5 or 6 ideas on what to do. I can be pretty indecisive at times lol. Happy hump day everyone!

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