Our Story

Feast your eyes upon the hottest couple on the planet! Hahaha, totally just kidding.. but we are pretty damn good looking lol. Kenny and I have known each other for years. When I moved to VA he is one of the few people I actually kept in touch with and I'm very glad I did. We met when I worked at Rhinos/Gamestop and he was a regular that came in all the time. It's funny how someone who is so perfect for you can be right in front of your face for so long before you even realize it.

After years of knowing each other and being close friends we finally were single around the same time and he made the move. He pretty much confessed having a crush on me since he first met me back in like 2007 and at first I was a little hesitant because I had just ended a pretty long relationship and he has two of his own kids. I never dated anyone with kids and being the baby of the family I'd also never been around little kids all my life... so it was definitely new territory. But after a few weeks and being around him and talking to him pretty much 24/7 I realized that this man was my other half. I mean, I already knew we had a lot in common from knowing him for years but his views, actions, and everything are just like mine. When we shared our first kiss... I knew he was the one. So! On October 31st 2013 we became official (on our favorite holiday!) Months fly by and I became a natural with the kids and everything is just running smoothly... no arguments, no drama, no bickering... perfect. Then on July 29th 2014 he popped the question! You can read all about it here.

We planned for our wedding to happen June 2015 but something quite unexpected happened, I became pregnant. We decided to move the wedding up to December 23rd of 2014 which is also my mothers birthday. You can read about it here. We've had our ups and our downs, our laughs and our tears and we are still going strong as ever.  We celebrated our 2nd anniversary by going downtown Savannah to The Chromatic Dragon which is a bad ass gaming bar. We played Halo 3 which is a game that started our friendship and ate game themed dinner: I had the Murloc and Chips and Kenny had Marsala Kombat and our drinks were the Master Chief, the Heisenberg, and Wingardium Mimosa. It was so freakin fun! Here's to many more anniversaries to come!

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