Tuesday, September 15, 2015

We are still alive!

kicking in the bath tub
talking to himself in the mirror
loves his playmat that Mimi gave him
still likes to kick
loves his brother and sister
tummy time
when Kenny coughs to loud
bad dreams
being burped

Yes, we are still alive and breathing. Remember that routine I was bragging about? Yeah well I guess when everyone in the house gets sick except little Zack it kinda takes a toll on you. I'm slowly trying to get back into things, I just got my smell back and my throat finally doesn't burn. Jacob and Elaina still have their coughs and Kenny is finally getting back to normal. I can't believe Zack didn't catch any of it considering we had to hold him and feed him while we were infested with a bug. Very lucky I think lol, he hasn't been sick yet at all and I really don't want to experience it with him being so young. *fingers crossed*

I would update you on how Jacob has been in school but I really don't want to start bad mouthing anyone in his life that I feel is part of the problem. Let's just say 1.) It lasted longer that I thought it would and 2.) Those poor munchkins are going through so much right now. All me and Kenny can do is show a ton of love and attention when we can in hopes that things will be better for them.

Kenny and I finally decided on a theme for our kitchen... Star Wars!!
Yup, and  ThinkGeek will be getting a ton of our money they have everything from ice cube trays to hand towels. I'm pretty excited for it. I've already purchased a few things from them and they are definitely one of my top 5 internet sites to shop from. Welp, that's all for the update today... I realize I still need to update the page but at least I've got a Halloween theme going. Toodles!

OH! Holy crap I didn't even realize I never posted pictures of the munchkins on their first (technically second) day of school!
I love them, they're so damn adorable!

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