Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Working on my routine

So things got a little crazy around here... we've been focusing on the kids a lot because of their behaviors in school. Our tye-dye night never happened *super sad face* they both lost the privilege because of the choices they were making. So me and Kenny sat down and have came up with new ways to try and solve some issues around here it's pretty much a new approach at parenting. From now on the only thing that can make you lose the participation in Family Night is lying... we had some major issues here with Elaina lately and we decided that's what that action would lead to. I've recently made a behavior chart for them to try and make them want to act well in school:
This is the first week it's up and with yesterday it didn't seem like it worked. Elaina still acted out and Jacob had one of his worst days. We decided to give it two weeks and see how it goes however it's looking like Jacob might only respond to positive reinforcement rather than negative and if that's the case we have a few ideas for him.... I think they're gonna end up having their own charts.

Other than all that, I've slowly noticed that I've gotten myself into a routine. I'm starting to always wake up at 5, with or without an alarm and within that hour if Zack doesn't wake up I'm able to get the kids homework set out for later, set their toothbrushes up, make coffee, set up hulu for their morning show, have everything ready for Elaina's hair, and still have time to sit on the couch and relax. Zack usually doesn't even wake up during that time and if he does I usually try and get Kenny out of the bed to help so that I can focus on Jacob and Elaina. I'm pretty proud of myself, yesterday (Tuesday) I already had all the laundry done for the week! I'm in freakin beast mode lol. If I can keep this up then soon I'm going to be able to add a workout in there and have one at the same time every day. I got off track with my ab and squat challenge so I will definitely be starting that over. Hell maybe I'll finally update this place ^_^ Well the kids will be getting off the bus here any minute now so I must go. Bye all!

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