Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Work in Progress

I've been slacking in the update department of the layout here... It's not that I don't have the time, its just I'm not really sure what I want to do. I'm sure I'll figure it out haha, but until then I'm just going to deal with it being all disorganized and outdated. So the kiddos are doing better in school and they're doing better around the house, I'm not really sure how long that's going to last. Tomorrow is our weekly 'Family Fun Night' and the kids picked out 'Tye-Dye' which surprisingly they've never done because they were completely confused about what it was lol. I'm going to look up different patterns on pinterest and all that. I already know I'm going to have them do pillow cases for their rooms since whatever shirts we do they will eventually grow out of. I'm pretty excited ^_^

I've got a ton of ideas floating in my head for different family nights. Like when I get my sewing machine we can make our own tiny pillows and I can let them "design" their own capes and I can sew them up. I swear I think I get more excited about these nights than the kids do. 

Zack is doing great, he was 3 months this past Sunday.
Still likes car/stroller rides
Making silly noises
Looking outside
loves his playmat that Mimi gave him
still likes to kick
being bounced up and down

passing gas
when Kenny coughs to loud
bad dreams

He's getting so big and so curious! He's also starting to smile on his own and he does it a ton when he's playing on his play mat. This is the one we received:
 When he kicks he hits the keys on the piano and he freakin loves it haha. I saw this and just knew it was something we needed since all he does is kick. The best part is that everything can attach to the actual mat too for tummy time and the piano can come off and be carried around for when he's older. I'm super in love with this. The only bad part I think is that since he does kick a lot he tends to kick himself away from the piano haha... but I don't really think that can be avoided. They have these in pink too in case any readers are interested :)

Welp, that's all for today... I promise one day this blog will look all new and pretty <3

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