Thursday, August 6, 2015

High Hopes

I'm such a slacker! I give huge props out to all the moms out there with young kids who still find the time to blog and do everything else around the house. I'm still trying to find a rhythm and when I think I have one my "blog time" turns into "nap time for mommy".  I'm so lucky to have Kenny around during the week to help out, it's one of the benefits of having the same job and same shifts lol. Either way I thought I would stop in for a little update. 

The kids started school and they both had rocky starts and were already getting in trouble. Today was better for them both though. Zack is starting to coo way more and is showing signs of grabbing. He's starting to smile more (on purpose) and now we are trying to get him to laugh... extremely difficult lol. Kenny had his birthday and I painted him a picture:
He loves it and I'm pretty proud of myself lol. It's not perfect but who cares, it's pretty damn good for someone who doesn't paint lol. Hmmm, what else? We pretty much have the cutest baby in the entire world ... and I have proof:

super cute
I promise I will have better posts here soon and that I will have a fully updated blog and layout haha. Until then... toodles!

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