Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Parenting at its finest

Good Morning! So I started updating the page, I need to add an about me page for Zack and update everyone's pages as well. It's not all going to get done today, mostly because I'm already bored messing with it lol. I promise it will happen soon. Zack's appointment went way better than I thought it would. Our brave little guy didn't even cry! All he did was fuss and try to hold his breath but still no tears which made it way easier on me lol. I still feel awful because he was hurting but I'm so proud of him! He's been sleeping a lot since the shots which is a nice little break around here... but I miss his playful coos.

Today is Art Day for our Family Fun Night... I've got a few ideas but a lot of them I can't do anymore because Jacob doesn't have enough points to participate. I don't know what it is, but it seems like at the other place he goes to he isn't expected to finish his meals... and that's not how things work over here. So he will eat half and then start playing around and he's lost 10 points all together so far from it and he lost his toys. Elaina has also lost points but for lying and back talking... she seems to also think that's ok. It's amazing how much the kids change after just a week without having us around. We were making such progress with them and now it seems like they've forgotten everything. Oh well... I'm not even gonna judge as I'm sure there are excuses for it all.

I think all adults should be required to take a yearly parenting test and have surprise visits OH and with those visits I think bank statements should be viewed... priorities people... priorities.

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