Thursday, July 9, 2015

Our Little Buster

Zachary Cloud *aka* Buster, is 2 months old today! I can't believe it has already been that long and he's growing so fast! I swear it was over night when half of his newborn sized clothes didn't fit well anymore. Either way, big or small, he is still our perfect little man.

Car/Stroller rides
Kicking alot
Being Held
Having his hair stroked while falling asleep
Looking out the window
Staring at our owl on the front door

Using the "nose sucker"
Passing gas
Cold baby wipes

Till this day Zack still has not shed a single tear... yes he fusses and all that but still no crying. I have a feeling that's all about to change at his doctor visit on Tuesday *sad face* poor thing is getting his shots that day. Kenny has already tried to warn me and mentally prepare me for it so that I can stay strong especially since our other munchkins will be there. If I could take the shots for him I totally would and that's saying a lot since I hate needles! Wish us luck!

Happy 2 months baby boy <3 
Mommy, Daddy, Sissy, and Jakey

*I just noticed that I never shared his one month photo*

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