Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Mrs. B: The Craft Mommy

I get a ton of ideas from Pinterest and trust me I am stocking up for Summer Break! We go through a lot of toilet paper in the house so of course we always get the empty rolls and it felt so wasteful to throw them away. So I did my searching and I have found a lot of great ideas to recycle them and use them with crafts for the kids. The binoculars are probably going to be one of the first ones we try. I don't think I'm going to go by the tutorial from that blog because it gave me my own ideas. I'd rather let them paint them and decorate them with stickers or something... that way they can do most of the creative process. I'm pretty excited about this project so I'm not sure I'm going to wait until summer lol.

This project will be our next:

These are freakin adorable and I will definitely be following that tutorial as is. I think they would love this! I could even surprise them with super hero capes! I'm way to excited for all of this lol. Like I've said I've got a lot of ideas pinned to my Kid Friendly Crafts page. You should check it out!

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