Thursday, March 26, 2015


That is the body I will return to after this baby. Not only is that my motivation but the amazing children in this house will also be my motivation and my amazing husband <3 I know it will be a hard road to achieve what I want but it will be totally worth it in the end. Don't get me wrong, I love being pregnant, I love feeling it's little kicks, I love feeling the excitement I receive when it's music time and I've got the headphones on my belly, and I love knowing that I am growing a freakin human! However, I cannot wait until I get my flat tummy back and I can't wait till my cheeks aren't all plump lol.

I've already been at it on my Pinterest with ideas and tips on how to lose the baby weight and I'm starting to save some new healthy meals as well. I've seen so many women just give up after giving birth and like I've said before I know that some have medical issues and they have to wait on the weight loss period... BUT that doesn't mean wait your whole life! I want to be able to run around with my kids and do everything they do without skipping a beat. I don't want to be the mom that just sits on the side lines sipping a soda, I want to be the one cheering and jumping around with all my energy!

I've got this and I will definitely achieve this goal no matter how long it may take (hopefully less than a year lol)

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