Tuesday, March 24, 2015


There's our beautiful little girl of the Beauchamp house! We (obviously) got her school pictures back today and she was so happy with them. I was napping when she got home but she told Kenny, "You can see my missing tooth!" Haha, I remember telling her on picture day to try and get that missing tooth in there but I didn't think she actually would since she doesn't smile to much with her teeth. Fake smile or not lol I love this picture! She's got her hair up the way she wanted, with twists and a pony tail and we think she's perfect. I'm so excited to send these out to family, they've already showed their love on facebook! For the record... and I know this is going to sound random... but for the record, not a single soul insulted that picture except the one person who should find her beautiful no matter how she looks. I may be new to the whole "mom job" but never would I insult a child's appearance especially the appearance of my own flesh and blood. It's down right sickening to witness such a horrible thing.

On a lighter/happier note, nothing new going on around here. I'm in my 3rd trimester and time is just flying by. We have our next appointment this Thursday and I'm super excited to hear its little heartbeat. The baby shower is quickly approaching and I'm also excited about that. Elaina is doing amazing in school, Jacob has been a little more of a handful than usual... but nothing has changed here so we are thinking his actions are coming from somewhere else. I'm working more so that's awesome, Kenny has been getting a ton of overtime and those checks are totally worth it. Everything is just running smoothly and it's scary lol. I am one lucky lady to have a life like this <3 

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