Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Picnic at the Park

Yesterday was a success! Granted, we did have a few hiccups along the way but that's always expected on Mondays... the kids just always act so different after we get them back from the weekends. It's like they forget there are rules and they forget that in this house if the rules are broken there are actually consequences to follow. We didn't get to leave the house as early as planned but when we finally did we ended up being the only people at the park and that was lovely. 

Of course the winter spoiled them... not even 20 minutes in they started complaining about how hot it was and Elaina was saying she wished it was winter. *sigh* I can't really complain myself though considering I was just like that as a kid lol. Still... now I know how my parents felt when I complained and boy is it frustrating! Other than the few moans and groans of the weather they were still running around and having a blast... so it was totally worth it. The way they complain about the temperature makes me think that they don't like the fact the windows are open a lot in our house because it makes it a little chilly in the mornings and sometimes pretty warm in the afternoon depending on the cloud coverage. My response is either "it's a nice day out and the house needs fresh air" or "suck it up buttercup, we're saving money" haha, the second one is what I say when the complaining gets to be too much.

Anyway! I got off track, after our picnic and fun in the park we decided to spoil them a bit with some time in the sprinkler. We had to get Elaina a new bathing suit since she out grew her one pieces... I'm usually pretty against two-piece suits for girls under 13. To me a bikini is like a right of passage at the teen years lol. However the tankinis (like Elaina's in the picture)  is sorta acceptable for her age. As long as her torso is covered and there is full coverage on the bottom it's ok. Although I would rather her be in a one piece but her torso is so long and she's so skinny that the 6/6x is too small and the 7/8 is too big on her for one pieces lol. Jacob has barely grown lol so his little trunks from last year still fit perfectly! I think we're still going to get him some new ones for Easter though, they love the water so much that it's just convenient to have a couple of suits handy for less laundry.

I wish she was out of school more often, I love being able to take them places and take a million pictures like I do in the summer. Oh well... summer is fastly approaching and soon there will be another little one to take pictures of <3


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