Monday, September 29, 2014


I am completely 100% sold on this product. I know I said I would do the "two week" challenge but wow... these suckers lasted 3, 12 hours shifts in a row at my job and that is SUPER impressive AND they survived my constant lotion usage. I've already taken them off BUT not because they were coming off or anything it was because I read that people complained about the removal process and how it "messed up" their nails. Granted, I didn't keep them on for a long period of time so this is only basing it off of a week but I had zero issues. I've looked up different ways to take them off but ya know the best way for me? Break the seal like all the sites and everything say and then hop in the shower! Yup, all I did was break the sealing, get in the shower, did my usual routine, and when I was done and just standing there I peeled them right off. I take pretty warm showers, so that helped too but it was super easy and no fuss at all. What's even better is that there was no left over "sticky goo" or any trace at all that that they were even on in the first place. So! I am definitely going to order some for me and little lady bug once we get some money laying around. I'm pretty excited!

Speaking of excitement... I'm about to make a list for all the days our little Christmas elf is going to be at the house so I can have everything ready and pre-planned. There are tons of ideas floating around this little brain of mind plus I've pinned LOADS of ideas over on my pinterest board: Elf on the Shelf check it out ^_^

Hope you all have a great week!

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