Tuesday, September 30, 2014

New Look!

I have gone into Halloween mode! This is our favorite holiday not to mention it's our 1 year anniversary <3 So a new look was needed... also, if you haven't noticed, the name of the blog has changed. ^_^ I know we aren't married yet but I really wanted to rename the blog and get away from the daisy theme and make it more about all of us. I love it and that's what matters lol.

Alright, today was picture day for Elaina!! We've been planning this for weeks/months! I was probably way more excited than she was lol. I've been practicing different hairstyles on her to see which one looks 'photo ready' and we decided on a half-up/half-down with a bow and a braid. It looks adorable on her. I've also been preparing her to smile for someone she doesn't know and teaching her to smile with her teeth. She came home and the first thing she said was "this is how i smiled" and it was finally a cute teeth filled smile... so let's hope she actually did that haha. She picked up this HORRIBLE habit of a smile where her top teeth rest on her bottom lip... it's hard to explain but jeebus it's awful and I think I've finally got her out of it. I know a habit is hard to break on a 5 year old but she doesn't do it nearly as much and I'm ecstatic about it lol. I really hope she smiled the way she said or just with no teeth at all lol as long as its not the one where it looks like she's doesn't have any bottom teeth I'm good lol.

Anyway, today was picture day lol so I wanted baby girl as fancy as she could be. I let her borrow some diamond butterfly earrings of mine, put her in her favorite dress that we bought before school started, and painted her nails and toes. (I told you I was excited lol) I didn't get too many pictures of her all dolled up on my phone but I did use me old Canon and I really hope they turned out great. I've got to take the film in to get it developed so *fingers crossed* I can't wait to see the school pictures lol, if they're good... great! If they're "eh" at least we can use it for embarrassment later lol. Welp, that's our excitement for the day. Here are some pictures!

Matching Nails!!
So beautiful! She looks so much like her Daddy!
This face!! Kenny told him he had to wait a minute to get in the car so he could fix his car seat and this face was the result lol, he was so sad for like 5 seconds. Cutest face ever!
He wanted me to take a picture of his poses lol... so adorable

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