Friday, October 10, 2014

Birthday Planning

So, it's been quite a busy week. I forgot how fast the days go by when I work on Tuesdays rather than on Fridays lol. Alright, anyway... so J-Bug's birthday is coming up (as I've already mentioned) and originally we were going to do a Super Mario themed party because it's what he asked for... but while we were buying gifts we noticed we kept getting more and more Paw Patrol than anything because you can't really find anything Mario related unless it's a video game of some sort. So we reasked him and left the Mario option out of the list and he said Paw Patrol. Now... the only reason why we didn't want to do that theme was because it's already being done at his mother's house but it's what the little monster wants lol so oh well. 

We just felt it would be really weird to have a Mario themed party with like zero Mario gifts. They don't even make clothes with Mario on it at his age without having to order it online. Either way, I'm pretty excited and I know he will enjoy himself so that's all that matters. 

Other than that, we've got a little surprise for the kids this Monday since they're out of school, I'm not gonna post on what it is yet just in case I got some sneaky eyes reading lol. But just be ready for a TON of pictures if all goes well (mostly the weather) I might have to make an album on a different site and link it here because I'm pretty sure there will be too many photos to load in a post. *excited* Welp, I need to go and do some laundry. Hope you all have a good day!

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