Monday, October 20, 2014

Family Day!

That's where we went! Something new and different, not to mention it was super affordable! Only 13 bucks for all four of us. I think we're going to make it a yearly visit ^_^ I know I definitely want to go again because the Cougars were asleep and the Bobcats were far in the back of their enclosure, pretty sure it was feeding time for them. Regardless... we all had an amazing time! I think I really enjoyed the alligator exhibit the most. I've seen alligators everywhere but these were actually pretty active. They were moving around and biting at things and coming in and out of the water. I've never seen them like that! I think it had a lot to do with the fact that it wasn't like a "zoo". I mean yeah, they were enclosed, but it was much more open and everything in the wildlife center was a Georgia native so I think that helped a bit too.

Anyway, the kids enjoyed themselves a ton. I'm glad we got to take them somewhere they've never been, plus it was a very educational experience for them as well. They were so excited about everything! I think the armadillo and foxes were their favorite. OH! And the crazy goose lol which I will link the video of at the end of the entry.

I'm actually surprised we were able to go, see I had come down with something crazy! I had to call out of work on Sunday because I woke up in the middle of the night with a high fever and kept waking up to use the bathroom... it was a nightmare. The same thing happened Sunday night too, woke up with a fever at around 3 something, Kenny got me some meds and I eventually fell back asleep so imagine my crankiness when our alarm went off. I didn't want to take the adventure away from the kids so I sucked it up and we went anyway. I was fine till about 3 hours there, that's when I started to feel sick again but I still didn't want to ruin their fun so I stuck to it till we were all finished then relaxed in the car on the way home lol. 

I'm glad we went. It was a great family outing and we all learned a lot of new things. I wish we could go out more but since we only have them during the weeks it's a lot harder for us to try and go somewhere since Elaina is in school. Either way, they know we love them so we don't really need to try and "impress" them with going places all the time or buying them new toys every week. <3 We're pretty amazing parents if I do say so myself lol. I decided to just collage some of the pictures I took... I'm not going to share them all but most of these are our favorites:

Well, there ya have it! If you're a local I really do suggest visiting the Oatland Island Wildlife Center it was a great experience and such a beautiful walk. Hope yall have a great week!

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