Wednesday, October 29, 2014

National Cat Day 2014!

It's National Cat Day! So I thought I would introduce my "furbabies"!!

First up is Kitty. I've had her since 2005. She was a stray who lived in the drainage pipe at my old high school. She's been with me through everything, all my hard times, all my happy times. She's the first cat I've been able to call mine. She loves little sparkly poof ball toys and cardboard boxes. She sleeps by my head every night and likes to lick my eyelids to wake me up lol. <3

Now it's Momo's turn! His name is from one of my favorite cartoons, Avatar: The Last Airbender. I got him from a family who had a free kittens sign up on the road outside of my neighborhood. I've had him since 2010 so he's the baby of the two even though he's bigger lol. He freakin LOVES bottle caps, the moment you open a bottle he is right there meowing to get the cap. He also likes any toys with feathers. He's a HUGE scaredy cat... literally... he's scared of everything. He loves to sleep at the foot of the bed or right in front of the door. Oh, and he's very, VERY vocal lol.

My babies! So! Now that you know it's National Cat Day I bet you're wondering how you could possibly celebrate... well, lucky for you I totally have a website to help you out! Celebrate Cats! Check it out, go nuts and remember to hug your cats today =^-^=

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