Monday, November 3, 2014


Halloween was a blast! The kids loved that we dressed up with them lol. We also got a ton of compliments all night, "yall are so cute!" "what an adorable family!" it felt great <3 We went to a local trunk or treat which was a little disappointing. They had a bounce house and the kids seemed excited about it at first but there was a guy walking around with a Freddy Krueger mask and once they saw him they lost all interest in it. But they still got a lot of candy and a few people took our pictures so that was pretty neat. After that we went to Kenny's mom's house and went around her neighborhood... it wasn't nearly as crowded and didn't have as many people passing out candy from what he was saying. So once that trip was over we went to my parent's neighborhood and like usual there were people EVERYWHERE. Only two houses scared the kids lol... but once we told them that we wouldn't let anything happen to them and we were right behind them they were fine.

It was a great night... and it was my first Halloween experience with the kids and I enjoyed it! Halloween is one of our favorite holidays and now I love it even more because they kids make it way more exciting! Here are some pictures! OH wait... you're gonna see one of lady bug as a fairy lol, they were allowed to wear their costumes to school and she had said she wanted to be a fairy before we decided on the TMNT so we went ahead and got her a separate costume for school ^_^
Ok... pictures!!

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