Tuesday, November 25, 2014

It's been quiet...

Our super amazing tree skirt lol

You can hear the crickets on this blog... I'm sorry about that. I have my reasons that I haven't posted a lot and that will be explained in due time. So much is going on around here it's insane! I've been under the weather for the past freakin week, we've been trying to do some Christmas shopping for the kids, things with the wedding are getting in motion and it's sorta stressful because our minds are a little focused on other things right now. It's crazy!

I thought I'd just post something short and sweet to show we are still alive and the Beauchamp household is running at 100%. We are both currently awaiting some karma to show its pretty little head to someone at work once rumors (that are most definitely true) hit higher management but until then things are at a stand still lol. I know that probably doesn't make much sense but Kenny knows so I'm not alone haha.

So before I run my mouth on things I shouldn't talk about I think I'll stop here. Hope yall have an amazing Turkey Day!!

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