Thursday, December 4, 2014

Plans Change...

That right there is a little preview of our engagement picture session. We had an amazing time! And our photographer is super sweet and talented. You can't even tell it was pretty dark with the exception of the lamp being on lol. We used a local photographer near the Savannah area: Totally Creative Photography she was very outgoing and great with the kids. I can't wait to get the rest of the pictures back!

In other news we have decided to move our wedding date to December 23rd, 2014. Yes! You read that right! In just 2 weeks I will be marrying my soul-mate, my player 2, and my best friend. I am so excited and kinda stressed haha but yay. It's going to be a smaller wedding which is what I had originally wanted in the first place. My parents are holding it at their beautiful home in their backyard. It's going to be perfect <3

Also! We took the kids to see Santa! We were supposed to take them before Thanksgiving but I ended up getting an earache *sad face* that was not fun at all. The last time I had one I was so young that I don't even remember it... I still can't hear out of my ear all the way but I got some meds that should do the trick. Anyway! Santa lol... after our picture session we took them over and there wasn't a line at all! The man was so sweet and nice he even let Elaina use some of "Santa's Magic" and when she touched her nose the lights would flicker. It was so damn adorable! And the pictures we got turned out GREAT! They look so clean and cute haha see for yourselves:

They are so damn precious! I'm so glad we decided to go after our pictures, they were super excited and were already telling us what they were going to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas. Too bad we already got them everything lol but I'm sure they will still be happy with what Santa brings. Alright, well... I need to start some laundry, gotta clean the clothes they arrived in on Sunday (like always) Hope yall had a fantastic Thanksgiving!!

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