Tuesday, September 23, 2014


 Apparently there's this new 'craze' called Jamberry Nails. Basically... they seem to be adhesive nail art stickers... but super adhesive lol. Anyway, I requested a free sample and probably received one of their most boring designs they offer -_- but oh well, it was just to see what all the fuss is about. Now these things are supposed to last up to 2 weeks on fingers and 4 weeks on toes. To me that seems pretty impressive since my nails usually start chipping nail polish by day two or three. I believe the toes though, as my polish stays on forever on them lol. 

So why try it out? Well, for anyone who knows me knows that I have this thing about lotion. Matter of fact there is an entry explaining it a bit from my photo challenge a few months ago. I'll admit... I'm slightly OCD when it comes to this lotion so believe me when I say I use it on average about 10-15 times a day. Whenever I wash my hands I have to apply it... so seriously if I just put the lotion on 5 minutes ago and I need to wash my hands for something I will reapply it once they're dry. I also have to do it after I use hand sanitizer and ESPECIALLY when I hear someone rub their own hands together *cringe* Ok, so I'm sure you're wondering what that has to do with anything. Well! I've noticed that the less I use my lotion the longer my nail polish stays on.... and by less I mean maybe 8 times a day lol. I'm putting the jamberry nails to the ultimate test ^_^... well I'm sure there is a better test out there... but to me this will make or break the product. 

If it really does last as long as it says it can then I will definitely consider keeping a supply in the house. ALSO I figure if it can last that long on my nails imagine how long it could last on Lady Bugs! Her polish chips so fast because of how active she is and everything... these could be a life saver. Plus we could totally match and that's super adorable lol. So by the 7th of October I will have my results but I'm sure I will post an update or two before then. I hope they live up to the hype! *fingers crossed*

For more information:

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