Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Happy (late) Halloween everyone!!! We had a great night! The mosquitoes were pretty horrid but with all the bug spray and bug repellents we had on us it wasn't so bad, just annoying. The kids enjoyed themselves a lot and only got scared a few times. Zack actually stayed awake the entire time so that was pretty awesome. All their bags have been checked and they only lost a few suspicious pieces which was way better than the year before. The outing seemed way more stressful for me this year but I think that was more my own issue than anything, that's mom life for ya lol.
I'm just glad they really enjoyed themselves! I love how excited they were about the face paints and the excitement they had when they saw me and daddy dressing up too. I'm going to miss these simple days. I hope all my readers had a fun night too whether you were out getting candy, passing it out, or just chillin watching scary movies either way I hope ya'll had as great a night as we did.
Now it's time to plan for Thanksgiving!!!


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