Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Holidays Are Coming...

This year went by quick didn't it? It feels like we just had our New Years party, it feels like Jacob just turned 5 and in a few short days he's already going to be 6! Insane how life just speeds by sometimes. Regardless, I love this time of year so even though I'm saddened at the time that seems to have gotten away, I'm still pretty excited for the holiday season! This year for Halloween we will all be... *drum roll* ... Jack, Sally, Lock, Shock, and Barrel! The kids are super excited about it. I've loved Nightmare Before Christmas since as far back as I can remember. My grandma had it on VHS, I remember my cousins all being down and we would always put that movie in at some point. I'm glad the kids enjoy the movie too and little man is watching it as I type haha.
I think we will make dressing up as a family a tradition. I'm sure at some point it won't all be one theme (even though I really hope it will) My first year with the kids we were the Ninja Turtles and we got so many compliments and the kids really enjoyed it so hopefully that will stick with them. We've already told them our ideas for next time and Jacob seems even more excited about it than this years lol. All we have left to get for our costumes is everything for me and Kenny, we lucked out on all the kids stuff ^_^ I'm excited!


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