Monday, August 22, 2016


Hello blogging world! School has officially been in session for two weeks and we have our after school schedule and behavior rewards chart up and running! Jacob is off to a rocky start, however he is still doing better than last year so I'll give him some praise. Elaina was doing perfect and got in trouble for two days... nothing major just normal kid behavior (talking and playing in the hallway). OOh! Zack got his first hair cut! We took him to this amazing place in Pooler and he got to sit in a little car themed chair with buttons and a moving steering wheel. It was such a great experience and they even gave us a certificate and a little jar for his baby hair! The Cutting Cave, if you're near the area in Pooler, GA... totally check it out.
Here are some photos!

First day of school
Love this outfit the most on her lol
My baby's first hair cut!! So grown :(


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