Thursday, November 3, 2016

Gobble Til You Wobble

Three weeks until Turkey Day is here! Well a little less for us since we plan on hosting our FIRST EVER Thanksgiving dinner before the actual day so that we can enjoy it with the kids because we don't have them this year for it. I'm super excited! We've invited our family and we plan to make it a tradition! Thanksgiving break is going to be super busy for us, well the first 3 days of it are atleast lol. We have the kiddos for three days before they leave us and really it's only one extra day that they will be gone compared to normal, so no biggie! Anywho, we've got a lot planned for those days and I'm really hoping it will all work the way it's supposed to and that they really enjoy themselves <3
As for me and Kenny, I think since we won't have them on Thursday that we will be taking advantage of it and possibly doing some holiday shopping ^_^ Have I mentioned how much I love this time of year?! I've got a whole board of food ideas for our gobble day on Pinterest, all that's left to do is sit down with my super handsome hubby and decide on what we are going to serve! Welp, we've got some things to do around the house so I must leave. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
*I came here.... and noticed my blog was called "Goggle til you wobble" HAHAHA omgosh, no more early posts for me*


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