Monday, November 7, 2016

Cleaning, Cleaning, and More Cleaning!

As you know, we are having our family over for Thanksgiving so we can enjoy our time with the kiddos. So I will be cleaning and organizing like a mad woman! I kid you not, I'm gonna be on my hands and knees scrubbing and wiping and you better believe I'm enlisting some help among the others in this house... they just don't know it yet haha. For real though, I get so stressed in clutter and chaos so you can imagine our house is already on the cleaner side of things. It's really just a deep cleaning and putting things in its place type of sweep through the house. Lucky for me, as you can see above, I have a board on Pinterest to help me out!

I'm pretty excited about all this though! It's going to be our first ever hosting of Thanksgiving and I actually plan on helping with the cooking! Lets hope I don't burn the house down or ruin the turkey. It's time like this though that I really wish we bought that dining table I've been eyeing for two years lol. There's always next year! For now we're gonna have to wing it with the seating, shoot if it's nice outside then who knows, we may end up in the back yard! Well, that's all for now, I thought I'd write a little while I had a free moment while everyone in the house was occupied with something lol. Have a great week everyone!


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