Monday, August 1, 2016


*starts humming 'It's Been Awhile' -- Staind in the background* 
I'm not even going to write down excuses haha, life happened and my blog took a seat on the back burner. Here I am now and that's all that matters! School starts tomorrow for the kids and I'm so excited! I'm brainstorming a new behavior chart right now actually. We're going to try something new and I'm hoping it will have some lovely outcomes. I'm also inventing the "Fantastic!" jar to go along with our "Uh-oh" jar so I've got to come up with things for that and I need to revamp our uh-oh jar too. SO MANY THINGS TO DO! Unfortunately I thought of all this at work this weekend haha, so naturally I would only have one day to get things completed.
Nothing really has been going on lately. We've officially taught Jacob how to read a few words and I think we've corrected some of Elaina's feelings of entitlement. I can tell you this, no one lost family fun night for the whole month because of lying and that's a pretty big win in my book. We've also been going over what fairness really means and hopefully they will be able to tell when something or someone isn't being treated fairly. *High Hopes!*
Hopefully the morning schedule I have set up helps mornings run smoother, I've got myself waking up a whole hour before anyone else so that I can get my coffee and get my mind right. We shall see! Hope you all have a fantastic week!


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