Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Technical Difficulties!

I've been trying to update for about a week and for some reason I haven't been able to upload pictures or even save drafts and it was so frustrating but yay to the fixes! I don't know what happened but I sure am glad it's back up. SO! Two weeks have passed and we've been busy with our local library every week with free events from their Summer Reading program. So here we go with a collage update!
This was a puppet/magic show it was pretty entertaining and the kids got really into it. Elaina even volunteered to go up and got scared by the old snake in a can trick. It was hilarious lol 

Zumba Kids! Omgosh this was LOADS of fun, the kids enjoyed themselves and talked about it all week and until they left for the weekend. I had a blast too and I'm glad I could share it with them.

This was the animal show. He brought in three of his parrots, a few snakes, a lizard, an iguana, mice, and a bunny. He let the kids touch almost all the pets and poor Jacob was terrified of them all lol. He was so scared to touch anything and me and Kenny totally touched a snake haha.

 This was earlier today and we did some yoga! Let me tell you, if you've never done yoga before it's actually way harder than it seems haha... I never knew how much I wasn't flexible until I had an instructor twice my age and weight doing things that I couldn't even come close to. Either way, I'm totally going to pick it up at home because it was still really relaxing.
Random! Top right is Zack owning the couch that he can now climb without any help. Top right is a super amazing candle that I suggest you pick up right away. It's already lasted longer than most Bath & Body Works candles and the smell is just as strong PLUS it has sprays to match! Bottem left is my super gross bruise I got from work this past weekend... that's the third day progression, the first day it was a big purple/pink knot lol. Bottom Middle is my baby boy standing on top of his sorter box, I swear he will climb on anything and everything. Last but not least that's the rainbow that was out on our way home from work on Sunday, such a pretty end to a long day of work <3
There ya have it! Everyone is doing great in the Beauchamp household and so far our frugal summer is going fantastic! I'm so glad we decided on spending less and doing more free things around our community it just shows that you don't need money to make children happy. I'm not saying that it doesn't help lol, but I'm just happy knowing we are not hurting on bills and that we aren't the family who spends more than they earn just to please the kids. It's way less stressful around here because of it <3


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