Monday, June 6, 2016

Picture Update!

I think I'm going to make this a regular thing, I love making collages with some of my apps on the phone and usually I've already shared the singles on Facebook so it would be pointless to post them. Here we go!

First things first, me and my lovely little lady bug had our first official mommy, daughter date this past week! I've been talking to Kenny for at least a year about how I wanted to start these for the summer and now they have begun! Anywho, this little lady has been talking about wanting pink in her hair ever since she saw it in mine, so my amazing hair stylist took on the job and did great! She's got some pink and purple highlights for summer and she couldn't be any happier!

Zack's very first time in a pool! This was memorial day and we spent the day with my parents. You're probably wondering where our other little guy is... We told the kids they had to finish their lunch if they were to get into the pool and he decided he wasn't going to eat, he even told my dad no when he asked him if he was going to finish while we were already out back. You don't tell my dad no, so he made Jacob come outside and sit under the patio with them and he wasn't allowed in. It was a very upsetting day for Jacob, but we stuck to our guns and hopefully he has finally understood that he needs to finish his meals and not take an hour to eat.

Randomness! Caught my sexy husband and little guy sleeping like that the other morning and I couldn't resist getting a picture! Friday was national donut day so YAY donuts! There's a random selfie with me and the munchkins which makes me debate a selfie stick every time I look at it lol. Then of course our puzzle from Family Fun night that the kids had to sit out on because of some mess that Elaina tried to pull.... Good behavior is a learning process and seems to be much slower when households are shared. I'm sure it will happen soon enough, they are already much better than last year it's just certain habits are hard to break when punishment isn't always being given to them.
So there ya have it! I hope ya'll have a glorious Monday!


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