Thursday, June 2, 2016

Hello June!

Here it is! June's challenge, a few of us on Facebook even started a secret group for it so that we can all motivate each other and keep track of everything. You might be wondering what brought this on. Well, I needed a new bathing suit and that was just a depressing little shopping trip. Kenny thinks I'm nuts and tells me my body is sexy anyway but it's hard to see it myself, especially in a two piece. I was even debating on buying a one piece and I haven't worn one of those since like elementary school! Either way, I wasn't happy about how my body wasn't tight in its usual places so it really bummed me out.

I thought I was doing good! I lost a few inches and my confidence was going up... I was being active every day and I've been doing Zumba twice a week so the shock of the bikini was a bit much. That's when I started stalking Pinterest for more workout routines and I found this one. I know planking is a full body exercise and I really need to focus on my arms and tummy... so it was perfect. I have no complaints about my butt and thighs so squatting is just a bonus haha. I've also downloaded a few fitness apps on my phone that will help me. I can't wait to transform my body into something even more amazing!


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