Monday, May 30, 2016

Collage Update!

It's here and it's already been one entire week, I still can't believe how fast summer break arrived this year! It's been a few weeks since I've updated and I really just wanted to let the end of the school year sink in and let our summer schedule run its course to see how things would go. So here are some pictures to help with updating!

  • A recent shot of me and my love <3 I swear that man still makes me so happy and I am so grateful every day of how events in our lives unfolded and finally threw us together.
  • In the top right you are witnessing our little daredevil... if there is a ledge he will find a way to climb it. That is also why you see the HUGE baby gate to block the tv stand haha
  • The bottom two photos shows my little munchkins all grown up on their last days of school *tear* Elaina had her awards ceremony which is why she's all dolled up, she's such a natural beauty. Jacob is in his favorite outfit all comfy and ready for a day of play!
Here is our updated summer behavior chart and our summer schedule. Are you blown away by the palm tree painting?! You should be because it was totally drawn and painted by yours truly ^_^ Anywho, this chart is a little different than our last. Instead of just moving down each square, there is actually a color within the square to move. You start at green, then yellow, then red and once you are in the red is when you receive the punishment. It's worked pretty great so far, the furthest they've gotten was to the no tv and leappad punishment but that's because there were some serious actions that caused some skips through the warnings. With normal behavior and warnings, the furthest was timeout which is a HUGE improvement in behavior from last year!
Now on to our summer schedule. You probably think I'm mad! How on earth is this lady able to keep a day by day and hour by hour schedule with three kids?! The answer is simple... it's really just a guideline. We have a few plans this summer and we won't need it but on the days where we are just staying home it's a life saver. I need to tweak a few things here and there, they both seem to naturally wake up earlier than what I have down, so I'm going to adjust it and our workouts can take a little longer so I may extend that window too. It's a work in progress but it's amazing. We also have certain things to do on certain days, like Monday is movie night, Tuesdays are library days, Wednesday is family fun night, and Thursdays... well that's kind of a play by ear day, it was originally a craft day but depending on their moods it kinda doesn't seem to fit haha. Speaking of library day!
 Tuesday was our first library day! I was so excited to take them because I know how much Elaina loves to read and I really want to get Jacob headed in a better direction with books and possibly start him on reading before kindergarten. Ok! That's besides the point haha, so we roll up to the small buildings of books and I go to the counter to get information on a reading program for the kids only to find out that Tuesdays are story time days and they had a guest speaker for that day! UGA'a quarterback, #11, Greyson Lambert! Now I'm not a college football fan and I definitely don't root for Georgia (I know, horrible) but when I told Kenny to tell the kids they were excited, especially Jacob! It was a great surprise to us all really! He came and took pictures, signed some autographs, and read them a story that was written by a former teammate of his. It was really a fantastic experience!
So that was our month summed up in a collage of pictures! I need to go wake these kiddos up now, seems a partial weekend spent with their grandparents really wore them out! Have a fantastic day everyone!


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