Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Zumba Here I Come!

I am beyond excited y'all! This Friday I will be attending my first ever Zumba event and I am super stoked about it. Thanks to my amazing friend Tiffani for bringing it to my attention! I've wanted to do Zumba for awhile but I never followed through with the idea. It seems like I was just coming up with excuses as why I shouldn't go... but not this year. I want to do something I enjoy and I have a good feeling about this. I miss dancing and I miss the hard work I would put into my dance team days in highschool and I miss having people around me that aren't just co-workers and family. I need this and I can't freakin wait! If it works out as well as I hope then who knows, maybe one day I will step up and become a trainer myself!


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