Monday, February 8, 2016

Loyal Fans

Although it was a sad day yesterday for the Panthers at the Super Bowl we are still loyal fans! We sent the kiddos to school today in their team shirts to let them know that even though they lost we are still happy that they made it to the Super Bowl... plus it was a way to show off our favorite team through our kids lol. We even let them stay up late to watch most of the game and they got to eat pizza and even drink some soda (gasp!) Yes you read that right, they totally had soda... usually I'm against caffeine for younger kids but now I'm seeing it as more of a treat for special events and they freakin love it,

On a different note:
Zack can totally stand on his own as long as he is holding on to something so now all he does is play at the window which is completely adorable ^_^


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