Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Kenny and I have decided on a few family vacations we want to take and thank goodness for Pinterest and the secret boards they offer. It lets me save tips, tricks, and even advice on handling places with smaller children without certain eyes trying to "compete" and do the same things. I can't wait! I've already got a notebook filled with a budget and pricing. One trip isn't even happening for a few years but I've got a whole thing on Pinterest dedicated to it. I think we want to make vacations a summer tradition. I remember going to Busch Gardens in VA almost every summer... if it wasn't with family then it was with friends or school trips. My mom would always take us somewhere new though like state fairs, carnivals, amusement parks, beaches... the list goes on and those memories definitely made an impact. Not every year is going to be something huge and amazing and since they've never really experienced much we kinda have to ease them into certain things. 

We went to the zoo last year and that was pretty exciting for them and it was hard to keep them behaved... mostly Jacob but he was four at the time and he is a little ball of energy. Hopefully we can do the zoo again so we can see if he's gotten better while out. I'd hate for us to go to somewhere amazing and him get in trouble for not listening and following directions that would put the whole family in a sour mood. Either way I'm pretty excited and trust me there will be loads of pictures to document everything ^_^


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