Monday, February 1, 2016

The Month of Love

So many kisses!
Happy February!! I can't believe a month has already gone by for 2016, it feels like our new years bash was just a few days ago! Well, here's a happy hello to one of my favorite months of the year!  February is always a busy month not only is it a few days shorter but its also Black History month and it has my birthday then Valentines right after. Oh and this year the kids are out on a Monday with us soooo we've got some awesomeness planned. Matter of fact it's going to be a month of love and learning in the Beauchamp house filled with crafts, good deeds, history lessons, and of course diy Valentines gifts for school. I freakin love February. Actually I think it's safe to say I love all holidays! I love getting festive, decorating, and having themed dinners. If we had the money I swear this house would be fully decorated head to toe for every single holiday! Maybe I should hit up our local Dollar Tree for some Valentines ideas. 
On a side a note Kenny and I received one of the biggest indirect compliments of all time which back in the day I'm sure it would have ticked me off to be 'copied' but having someone copy our parenting style and do the things we do makes me feel freakin amazing!! I'm sure there isn't any credit given to us but I don't even care at this point... it just feels great knowing that we are doing something right. *happy dance*
Alright readers, I must sign off! My little chunky monkey is ready for his breakfast and I think the bottle is done warming up. Hope yall have a fantastic Monday and again Happy February!


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