Thursday, January 28, 2016

Easy Morning

Today was a smooooth morning, they don't seem to happen often so I love taking advantage when they do. Jacob was ready in record time even though I had to brush my teeth with him to make sure he's brushing right. Elaina was ready on time... or so I though haha she almost walked right out of the door without shoes on! Then she tried blaming it on me!! Haha I just replied with "your shoes are your responsibility, not mine... I just gotta make sure you're up and alive." Of course I received a very well deserved 'squinty eye' from her. Either way, she was able to put on some accessories this morning because of the extra time and as you can see there were some photos taken. You can't see it very well but little miss thang has a bow in her hair made from her hair ^_^ I'm getting rather snazzy with the hair styling.

Hopefully with such a good morning we will see good marks in school today!
*fingers crossed*


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