Tuesday, January 26, 2016

In a Nutshell

Hi there strangers! Yes, I've been gone for over a month but it's always so busy right at the beginning of the year and doesn't really slow down until about March. Here I am though! We are all alive and kicking! So I guess you're in need of a recap. Kenny and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary and of course we went to Dave and Busters where the engagement happened. We had a great time and played games for hours before we decided to head home. Christmas was amazing, it was Zack's first one and he was smiles all day. The kids got spoiled rotten this year... a little over board in my opinion, but what can you do, I guess that's what grandparents are for? I don't know, I wasn't brought up that way and I kinda dread Zack to be that way *shrugs* I'll figure it out when the time comes. Regardless, they all enjoyed themselves. We took the kids ice skating for their very first times and I couldn't have been more proud, they did so good! I think we are going to make it a yearly tradition. New Years Eve was a blast! We all made resolutions, drew self portraits, took random photos with props, played jenga, the kids enjoyed some cherry coke, and Kenny and I had our amazing wine. After the ball dropped we set off some fireworks with the neighbors and played with sparklers the kids kept saying how fun it was and the neighbors kids called us awesome *squee* 
For January, Elaina turned 7 and has started showing amazing behavior in school. Zack finally crawls with his knees and desperately tries to get to the cat food aannnddd HE SAYS MOMMA!. Jacob had a rocky start at school but it's understandable because he got some new classmates, according to his teacher he is doing extremely well! I am one proud momma bear <3 OH I also got a new job at work... goodbye throwing boxes all day and hello office work! The only downside is that work was my main workout haha, so I just gotta pick it up around the house but no worries my weight is still slowly falling off and I'm close to my goal!
So there ya have it! That's about a month and a half in a nutshell! I should be back on here more frequently once I get a nice little routine going in the mornings. Goodbye for now readers!


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