Monday, February 15, 2016

Update: Zumba!

Excuse my hot sweaty mess in the picture haha but Zumba was AMAZING! It was way more intense than I had thought which was perfectly fine but I swear I was dying at some point lol. Those are my friends Tiffani and George who were also there. George is actually a co-worker of mine and a Zumba instructor too! Anyway, the event was awesome, I really enjoyed myself, and I swear I poured gallons of sweat. I think the only complaint I would have is the music choices. I know that Zumba is latin based and all that but damn I would have preferred at least one modern song out of the 2 hour workout. Oh well, it was still fun and I am definitely hooked... now I just have to pick an instructor to go to which is turning out to be harder than I thought. Half the classes online don't even have the instructors who were at the event and then the other half don't even have pictures of themselves.

Regardless I'm definitely addicted now and who knows maybe one day I'll be an instructor and throw in some decent music ^_^


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