Tuesday, February 16, 2016

It's Ipsy Y'all!

I have signed up for Ipsy! It's a company that takes monthly payments of $10.00 and in return you receive samples of make-up and beauty products. Not everyone gets the same thing either! In the signing up process you answer this little survey with questions about your style, makeup usage, skin complexion, and so on... what you answer decides on what products you receive. One of my resolutions for this year was to try something new and yes I've already achieved that with Zumba but I also figured since I'm not a huge makeup wearer that maybe I should broaden my horizons a bit. Plus I really want to change my style a little... not drastically haha, just a little less casual.
Anyway! I got my first bag today!

Shoot, the bag itself it freakin adorable! Inside there is a Trestique blush stick, a Luxie flat definer brush, Smashbox photo finish primer oil, dr, brandt Pore Dermabrasion, and Pure Brazilian deep conditioning hair masque. I'm a little nervous to use the pore exfoliator only because I have such sensitive skin... which unfortunately was not a question in the survey to sign up but I'm still going to give it a go I can deal with a break out if it happens. Well that's what I wanted to share with y'all today! Oh!! And here's a happy late Valentines to ya!
haha his face is fantastic!


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