Thursday, February 18, 2016

Careless Whisper

For my birthday and for our Valentine's Day we went for the total cliche' dinner and a movie. I have no complaints though because it's been  forever since we've done something like this and even though the service was pretty horrible at Chili's the movie totally made up for it! I'm not bashing Chili's... I freakin love that place and I even used to work there back in the day, it was our waiter who seemed to be quite preoccupied and barely on the floor. Regardless, the food was still great lol.

OK! So Deadpool is one super fantastic, dead on from the comics, hilarious ass movie! Definitely not suitable for children... hell I don't even think I'd take anyone younger than 16. Ryan Reynolds delivered 110% and since Kenny has been a fan of Deadpool since forever you could imagine his excitement for this movie (or just look at the cheesy smile in the picture lol) This will be a movie we have to get right when it comes out on DVD because there was so much laughter from the whole theater that I think we missed some small one liners. Shoot, if movies weren't so expensive I'd go to see it again a few times... plus Ryan Reynolds on the big screen *hello!* (sorry babe lol love you!)

Kenny wore his Deadpool shirt in honor of our night and since I don't have one (which will change when we get some extra money)  I decided to do my nails:

Look! You even get a mini tutorial on how to achieve these bad ass nails! Just a little FYI though for the actual Deadpool nail I used a black nail pen to make it easier to draw but if you're super amazing at nails and know all the tricks (unlike me) then I'm sure you can figure it out. Welp, that's all for now! Check out my new Instagram! There's only a few things on it because I just started the account, but I wanted to use a separate account for all my ipsy and workout things. 
Sign up for Ipsy since you're here!


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