Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sweet Goodbyes

Well, it's been a few months hasn't it? I just can't seem to balance everything and sit down to write out everything. It's all going to change though, I've taken a hiatus from 'super mom' and now she needs to come back. I really could just give excuse after excuse but I think it all boils down to laziness. I've been putting less effort into things and I've noticed myself falling into a slump. It's a little hard to explain into words but I'm bouncing back and I'm hoping starting new here will do the trick!
I've said time and time again about going back to school and life just has a way of preventing it, Zack was a great and amazing surprise but now that I've witnessed all of his firsts I think it's about time to head back to school. My baby boy can talk, crawl, walk, laugh, and play! For all of us to have a better future I think it's about time I focus on my dream job and become a teacher! My mom is a teacher and I envy how much she enjoys it and I really feel it just runs in our blood. I'm hoping to start this coming fall semester, as long as life doesn't throw us anymore surprises!
I hope that explains the new look around here. I'll still be talking about my family and random life situations but I'll also be venturing into the world of school and education. I'm pretty excited! So yes, you've missed a lot but I really don't feel like catching everyone up... instead I may post a picture here and there or maybe have a post about trips that have happened. Consider this a new slate!


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