Monday, November 30, 2015

4 gifts

This year we have decided to try something a little different. Last Christmas we went all out and even though the kids had a great one we really ended up putting ourselves behind and it took a few months to get back on track. Also a lot of the things bought last year barely get any use anymore. With that being said and now that we have 3 kids and possibly more in the future we have decided on sticking to the 4 gift rule/challenge. It's really simple like the picture above shows.
Something they want
This is really an anything goes category... as long as it doesn't cost an arm and a leg and as long as we know it will get played with or used. We've actually already ordered Elaina's 'want' and now we just have to pick Jacobs up at Walmart.
Something they need
Now this one is a little tricky. They need clothes but something to wear is already up there lol. So we are on the fence about a few things since we don't want to just get them a ton of clothes and they always get new pajamas from our elf on the shelf Chase. 
Something to wear
This is the super easy one. They are getting two outfits each and they are already bought and purchased with my amazing JcPenney card. All I have to do is box them up and wrap them!
Something to read
We haven't gotten anything for this one yet mostly because my mom is really big in to buying books and we were going to wait and see what she got. Now we just have to go out and get something.
Now we have decided that we are of course doing the stockings (from santa) but that's going to be things less than $10 and of course there's the new family fun night game that santa will also bring. It's going to be a way less stressful holiday this year and I am beyond relieved about it. In the long run with 3 kids it will definitely save us some money and it'll save even more when we have another child.
On an unrelated note... Zachary has officially mastered rolling over from back to tummy! It's only a matter of time that he will be moving and grooving all over the house!! Time sure does fly!
Hope you all have a great week! Happy Monday!


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