Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Mrs. Judgy McJudgerson

Well, I've always held pride in myself in the fact that after highschool I really toned down on judging others. I say toned down because it never really went away, I just never spoke it out loud anymore and kept the rare nasty thoughts to myself. Here lately though I've noticed that the thoughts seem to be happening more often and I have said things here and there (not within earshot of the kids, thank goodness). I'm pretty ashamed of myself. I don't really know what happened and how the "on switch" was activated but I don't particularly like it. 

Everyone has their past and their mistakes including myself and I find myself judging others for their decisions in raising kids and what their "priorities" seem to be. The truth is, I don't know what these people are going through and hell, having the TV on all the time may just be the only time they are allowed peace to themselves. Who am I to judge? I've made mistakes in my past and I've done some stupid crazy things... but I'm a completely different person than I was just 2 years ago. I'm proof that people change so why am I finding it so hard to believe others can change too. I don't have the answers to the questions... that would be too easy lol I will be trying to stop this horrible habit I've picked up though. I got rid of it before so I know I can do it again. I just need to focus on my life and no one elses.


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