Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy (late) 4th of July!

Little man's first 4th! We don't have the kids this year so it was just me and Zack until Kenny got home from work. I hung out with my amazing parents who made some super delicious NC BBQ! We did all of our fireworks on Wednesday which was the last night we had Elaina and Jacob before they left us for a week for their vacation with their mother.

The kids loved it! We didn't get any class c ones though (the kind that shoot off in the air) but next year it's totally on now that it's legal in GA. I'm glad they enjoyed their vacation with us even though we didn't go as many places as we did last year. Their great grandmother and aunt were in town and they'd never even met them before so we were over there quite a bit throughout the week. Well, little man is starting to wake up so I'm off to heat up a bottle. Hope everyone had a nice and safe holiday!

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