Friday, June 26, 2015


So I had my follow up appointment from my delivery and I am finally able to start lifting and doing things I normally would do... thank goodness! I won't be going back until later for work because they want to do a few tests since I had an abnormal screening at the beginning of my pregnancy which is normal but they want to make sure it went away. I'm not too worried about it and if I did worry it would only stress me out lol. Regardless I'm so happy I have the ok to start working out again, my weight has been at a stand still because all I've been able to do it walk and watch what I eat. I haven't been walking like I should though and I know this may sound like an excuse but in this heat we've been having its hard. I like to take Zack with me on the walks and I don't want him out there either. My phone has been alerting me everyday for the past week about heat advisories -_- it's a hot summer this year. But from now on I think I'm just going to put him back in the crib in the mornings and head out for a jog. It's not like Kenny won't be in the bedroom, I just like to let him sleep since he does the late night feedings.

Working out probably won't start until Monday... I've got all three kids this weekend alone for the first time. Elaina and Jacob can be a handful on their bad days plus add a fussy baby, omgosh lol. I'm the type of person who can get stressed/frustrated by too much noise... for example: I always have Pandora playing unless I'm feeding Zack, then it's an episode of something on Netflix... either way it's noise. Then add the noise of Zack fussing for either being impatient for the heating of the bottle or simply because he's having trouble passing gas... just add a fussing baby. Then add Jacob coming to me off and on saying my name until I respond and then either asking me something completely off the wall or he just starts rambling about a toy. Now add Elaina who sees Jacob getting attention so then shes coming at me trying to tell me something also completely off the wall.... Finally add the usual background noise like the fan in the bedroom and the air conditioner going, yes, even the AC is added to all of this... all of that equals a very aggravated godzilla mom and the stern voice comes out until I've got it to a tolerable level.

That type of situation happens more than you think around here but when Kenny is here I can just take Zack to the bedroom and he can deal with the other two or vise versa. It's something I have to learn to tune out or somehow adjust to, it's a work in progress lol. Okay! Back to me being excited about working out lol... I've got so many workout plans and ideas to choose from and try out, I can't wait! I'm ready to get back in my old jeans lol.

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