Tuesday, June 23, 2015

6 Months

Today marks 6 months of being married! Only half a year later and we already have the cutest little baby on the planet :)

So, it's been a month since I've been around... blogging has kind of taken a back seat in everything else especially since it's summer and Elaina is out of school. I'd rather give them all the attention that I can. Right now it's 7:00am and everyone is still sleeping, Zack was up earlier for some breakfast but he is now breathing heavily next to me <3 A little update is in order I suppose:

We went to Jacksonville Zoo at the beginning of the month, they had this amazing deal where tickets were only $4.00 a piece so we definitely needed to take that offer. It's a lot harder to do things with a newborn and the summer heat so I feel kinda bad that we haven't been able to do as much with the kids like we did last year... but they don't seem to mind too much. We've started Family Fun Nights on Wednesdays so that helps out. We have a point system for participation though, they start out with 15 points and only need 8 in their cup to join the fun and there are a few things to make them lose points like lying, attitude, not listening, etc. but they have things they can do around the house to gain their points back plus we can always decide to reward them as well and offer points. 

With the points plan I kind of assumed Jacob would be the one losing them all the time just because I didn't think he'd really understand the process quite yet (which was the reason for us giving them points if we wanted) but as of right now he has all of his sticks and Elaina only has 4. I'm actually surprised she's behaving so poorly, she's the worst one at not listening and attitude which is how shes losing so many points. We are hoping this breaks her of those habits... maybe not completely but hopefully to a tolerable level. Ever since summer started she seems to think she's supposed to get everything she asks for and that has never been how it works in this house so who knows how that got in her head.

Anyway, besides all that... Zack is doing awesome and I swear he gets cuter every day:

He hasn't lost his hair yet! When I was born my hair was just like his but then it all started falling out and then grew back strawberry blonde. See! He looks so much like I did when I was a baby!! That's me at 6 months though so I'm a little chunkier ^_^ Alright, well I need to go wake my amazing husband up so he can do some yard work before it gets too hot. Hope you all have an amazing week!

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