Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Story

That 33 weeks photo is the last baby bump picture that you will see because at 34 weeks and 6 days (May 9th) I gave birth to the cutest most handsome little man <3 Yes! That's right, you read all that correctly... he was a bit early lol a whole month and 5 days early to be exact.
Little Zachary <3 Born at 2:14pm on May 9th 2015 at 5 lbs. and 13.1 oz, 19 in. long. He was considered a preemie by one day!! If it had just been one day later he wouldn't have been taken and monitored. However he did great! Everything was fully developed and he was able to eat on his own and keep his temperature up... he was even discharged before I was lol.

So! Let me give you the story....

Friday morning I had woke up in the middle of the night around 3 or 4 something and I really had to pee... well when I went, I thought I had saw some spotting but I was barely awake and dismissed it. Once the alarm for work went off at 5 I had made my way to the bathroom only to find that my eyes hadn't deceived me and that I was actually spotting and by then I had noticed some cramping was also happening. I woke Kenny up and told him and that's when he said to call the hospital to see if we should head up there. Of course they advised us to go and so we called out from work and went. By the time we got to the hospital I was starting to have contractions. They sent us back and gave me 2 shots to stop them which had worked and we were able to head home around 10am.

Everything was fine at the house, they told me to lay back and take it easy and drink lots of water. Around 8 or so the contractions started again and they said if they started to last for more than 50 seconds to head back to the hospital. Not only did they seem more intense but they were lasting for about 1 - 2 minutes so of course we put the hospital bag (just in case) in the car and headed back. When we got in a room and they couldn't stop the contractions they told us that they were going to send us to a different hospital because they wouldn't be able to care for a preemie at their hospital and they would rather be safe than sorry. That's when the hour ride in the ambulance happened... which was not pleasant lol. Not only was it bumpy as hell but I was having contractions more often and I also had a head cold so I couldn't even breathe through my nose lol. 

We got to the hospital where my parents were waiting and Kenny was coming behind me in the car. It was now 12am, they got me set up in a room where they told me I wasn't dilated yet. They said either my body would stop or I was going to have the baby that day. We were obviously hoping for the first option. From 12 - 6am I was having contractions that were randomly spaced and at short and long durations. It was really a play by ear situation and let me tell you... contractions are AWFUL lol. At around 6am the doctor came in and checked me and told me that I was 6 cm dilated... obviously there was no turning back now. The baby's head was really low and my body was getting ready and that's when they offered the epidural.... . I had originally wanted to opt out but the pain was killing me and I couldn't imagine it getting worse so I agreed... the doctor left the room and I looked at Kenny terrified and said "It's too soon, I'm so scared" and I started crying... which caused him to shed a few tears (insert aww here). He said he had never seen me looked so terrified and it broke his heart.

The epidural was nothing... it didn't hurt like I thought it would the only part I had issues with was staying still enough through 2-4 contractions which caused me to cry and yell. After it was in effect I was perfectly fine. To give you an idea... the little machine that measures the intensity of the contractions reached up to 50 or so without the epidural and I would cry and everything with those. After the epidural I ended up getting some that spiked over 100 and would last about 5 or minutes. Chyeah  I couldn't even imagine how on earth I would have been able to handle it without it. So! Now we played the waiting game... we had to wait for me to be fully dilated which happened around 12pm and after 2 hours of pushing out he came! I can't even explain the pain with all the pushing... obviously it wasn't the contractions I felt... just the pressure was so intense and your body instinctively feels the need to push. I was pouring sweat by the end of it and I was the one saying I wanted to push near the end instead of the nurse and doctor. Kenny saw it all... he was by my side through the whole thing and I wouldn't have been able to do without him. He got to call out the sex and cut the umbilical cord and I'm so happy he got to experience it, he even choked up during all that too. :)
Holding him for the first time <3... well sorta holding him lol I was so exhausted than I'm pretty sure Kenny was right there to help. I can't believe he's already here! The kids were super excited about him even though they said they wanted a little sister lol. I knew it was going to be a boy. He is my world, I never knew I could love something/someone so much <3

Look at all that hair!! That's where all my heartburn came from lol
His going home outfit!

smiling in his sleep!!!
2 weeks have already gone by and we're both doing great! He's a great sleeper and a very quiet baby which we totally lucked out on lol. I honestly do miss being pregnant already haha, but I'm glad he's here and I'm glad he's healthy <3 He's my world and the best early Mother's Day present anyone could ask for! ^_^

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