Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Kenny and I have been talking about matching tattoos since the day we got engaged. The original plan was to get married in June and on our honeymoon to Disney World we were going to get our tattoos. Of course all of those plans changed for obvious reasons lol. So now we have to wait until after our little one is born and we have to wait until I drop the baby weight because of the placement I want. For a while we really couldn't decide on anything, there were a ton of cute ideas over the internet but we finally settled on an idea all our own.

We both have a thing for music... he plays the guitar and I love to dance and we both could listen to music all day long. Soooo, we thought of this brilliant idea! He would get a guitar tattoo and the first chord of our wedding song would be 'highlighted' in some form and it would be placed on his side. Mine would be the staff lines running up my side of the music notes of our song. Those pictures are just base ideas to get us started... they will of course be more personalized once we finally go and decide to get them done. Oh, just in case you missed the blog about our wedding song it is "All of Me" - John Legend ft. Lindsey Stirling on violin. I am beyond excited to get these done plus with the placement it gives me a stronger push to get the weight off.

I know a lot of people are against the whole matching tattoos but I've always said I would get one with the man I married and lucky for me Kenny was 100% for it the moment I mentioned the idea lol. I've also always been the type who views marriage as a one time only deal. I've got a good head on my shoulders and I know that without a doubt Kenny is my one and only and I will never leave his side. If anything tragic were to happen *knocks on wood* then I still would never re-marry and I've always felt that way. Marriage just isn't treated the same as it used to be and it hardly lasts for anyone these days mostly because people can't seem to keep their legs closed or their junk locked up. I'm not saying everyone should be perfect but if there is even a slight doubt in your mind then marriage just isn't for you. Shoot, me and Kenny could have ended up together way sooner if he had gone with his gut years ago lol but it all worked out in the end <3

Whoops, totally went off on a rambling rant there haha. Either way, the matching tattoos are totally going to happen and Kenny and I can't wait!

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